
How to use ComboCondition with Selectquery?

  • IDMS

    IDMS - 2014-12-15

    Thank you.

    I have tried above url thatyou provided.

    My issue is like:

    selectQuery1.addCondition(ComboCondition.or(BinaryCondition.lessThan(_defTable1_col1, inputColumn.get(Constants.VALUE), false)));

    selectQuery1.addCondition(ComboCondition.or(BinaryCondition.greaterThan(_defTable1_col1, inputColumn.get(Constants.VALUE), false)));

    I am trying to combine these 2 queries using OR; these queries are coming from a for loop, with the increment of i;

    Thanks again

  • James Ahlborn

    James Ahlborn - 2014-12-15

    Then you need to keep a handle to the ComboCondition that you created and continue to add the BinaryConditions to it:

    ComboCondition orCond = ComboCondition.or();
    for( ... ) {
          inputColumn.get(Constants.VALUE), false)));

    A ComboCondition is a "container" which holds all of the conditions which will be combined by a given operator.


    Last edit: James Ahlborn 2014-12-15

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