
OpenCyc 1.0 Released

OpenCyc 1.0 is now available and it's bigger and better than ever.
OpenCyc 1.0 includes the entire Cyc ontology containing hundreds of
thousands of terms, along with millions of assertions relating the terms
to each other, forming an upper ontology whose domain is all of human
consensus reality. The ontology is freely available for research or
commercial use under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

In addition, this release includes

* English strings corresponding to all concept terms, to assist with
search and display.
* A compiled version of the Cyc Inference Engine and the Cyc
Knowledge Base Browser.
* Documentation and self-paced learning materials to help users
achieve a basic- to intermediate-level understanding of the issues of
knowledge representation and application development using Cyc.
* A specification of CycL, the language in which Cyc (and hence
OpenCyc) is written.
* A specification of the Cyc API for application development.

Posted by John De Oliveira 2013-05-28

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