
#11 Old Experimental Network Code

Enhancement (6)

The code in this zip contains some old work that I used to experiment with network features.

Although the code is pretty old and doesn't compile with the actual version of OGE
it should give some helpful ideas how to setup a networked client/server (using RakNet or another net library)
Hopefully I didn't forget some important code.

1) oge_1_0 folder

The code in the oge_1_0 folder can be found on the svn sourceforge (or was it in the old cvs code?)
It only show a basic implementation of a chat sample using Raknet.

2) IGE folder

The IGE code is a private copy of oge that I simplified into a single thread engine
hence its different name IGE and not OGE to prevent me to confuse both code.
I used IGE for testing rapidly some concepts without the "treading difficulty" :P

The sample is a working fps sample with a server and a client connecting to it!
The network communications worked well.

See the readme.txt in ige/ige/sample/FPSClient

An important method is the ige::NetworkManager::registerPacketFactories()
which as its name imply register in the manager the various packet type the mgr can receive
and which method is used to treat this packet.
Note that those packets are ige::NetPacket not the Raknet internal packet.

There are others way to send data "packet" without defining our own hard-coded packet type but it worked well.
Of course IGE or OGE can define some hard-coded type and the user can use a derived class using their own type :)

Nov 2010
Steven 'lazalong' Gay


  • Steven 'lazalong' Gay

    • status: open --> wont-fix
  • Steven 'lazalong' Gay

    • status: wont-fix --> open
  • Steven 'lazalong' Gay

    • summary: Old --> Old Experimentat Network Code
  • Steven 'lazalong' Gay

    • summary: Old Experimentat Network Code --> Old Experimental Network Code
  • Steven 'lazalong' Gay

    The code in this zip contains some old work that I used to experiement with network features.


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