
Open For Business 3.0.0 Released

Open For Business 3.0.0 now available for download. This release includes hundreds of new features and now has nearly all functionality required for a retail fulfillment based business and many other types of businesses to operate. It is an excellent foundation for custom in-house projects and commercial derivative works, or as a basis for applications provided as a service. It includes:

- advanced e-commerce
- catalog management
- promotion & pricing management
- order management (sales & purchase)
- customer management (part of general party management)
- warehouse management
- fulfillment (auto stock moves, batched pick, pack & ship)
- accounting (invoice, payment & billing accounts)
- manufacturing management
- general work effort management (events, tasks, projects, requests, etc)
- content management (for product content, web sites, general content, blogging, forums, etc)
- and much more all in an open source package!

There are also many new features and tools in the framework, include enhanced content management, form & survey tools and enhancements to the Entity Engine, Service Engine, and the various other framework components. The organization of the project has also been changed to make it more componentized. Each component is a self contained set of Java classes/resources, entity & service definitions, and web applications. Third party components can now be dropped in as-is to a hot-deploy directory and automatically deployed.

For more information see the Open For Business Project (OFBiz) web site at "".

Posted by David E. Jones 2004-03-13

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