
Polish translation

  • ABIX - Adam Jurkiewicz

    my name is Adam, I implement OpenBiblio in Primary school in Poland. Forthis I'm making polish translation of Open Biblio. I found little bug in "navbars/circulation.php" file. In line 10 there is getText("Logout"), shoud be getText("logout") - case letter.

    Also, when I finish my work, I would like to add it to your repository. Later, maybe I can make little developement.


  • AlexRayne

    AlexRayne - 2014-09-18

    Hallow Adam!
    here ive provided fork of OB7 with multilingual interface. Polish translation alredy imported there. id apologised if you look it and check, maybe you wanna to make some translation on MARC tags, cause of i not foun any of that


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