
Quick Color Picker for Notepad++ v1.0.0.1 Unicode

  • Sid

    Sid - 2013-03-06

    Please visit for details



    Last edit: Sid 2013-03-08
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2013-03-07

    Quite impressive!

    Could it manage the following format?
    rgb(255, 255, 255)
    rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)


    • Sid

      Sid - 2013-03-07

      Thanks for your comment.

      I'm already working on the rgb format support. ('cause I use them a lot as well.)
      But I'm still trying to figure out a good interaction experience for that.


      Last edit: Sid 2013-03-07
  • Sid

    Sid - 2013-03-08

    Updated to 1.0.5. rgb colors supported.

    • Dave Brotherstone

      Could you confirm that you've requested a plugin admin user account
      (username nu**6)?

      I'm only double checking for security.


      • Sid

        Sid - 2013-03-09

        Yes, that's me.

        Thanks for the double check. Security is a big concern nowadays.

  • Predelnik

    Predelnik - 2013-10-07

    Hi there.

    Just wanted to say that the way QCP can use and change all the indicators available in Scintilla is not very nice to other plugins. For example my spell-checker plugin suffers from this, even though it needs just only one indicator.

    Obviously the best and most logical solution to this problem would be if Notepad++ will be able to permit or forbid usage of indicators for plugins on their demand (something similar to NPPM_ALLOCATECMDID message), but even if that would be made live you would still need to correct your plugin's code a little bit too.

    • Sid

      Sid - 2014-02-24

      Totally agreed with the NPPM_ALLOCATEINDIC idea.

      I'm also looking for a better way to display the color indicator with scintilla.
      The indicator is quite limited in number for this feature.

      I've added an option to disable the color highlight in v1.2.0 for user who don't want it.