
Quick Start, using the command line tool

jan ripke

NoOra quick start, using the command line tool

> Note : For Oracle users this quick start page applies to release 0.0.4 and later.
> Note : For Mysql users this quick start page applies to release 1.0.1 and later.


NoOra is a Python tool, so you must have Python installed in order to proceed.

First, Download and follow the installation instructions. After that, type the following in a terminal or in a command prompt:

> -r

It should print out your installed version of NoOra, for example:

> noora version '1.0.1'
> noora runtime (build 1.0.1_337)

Create a mysql project

On your command line, perform the following:

> mynoora generate -pr=example -h=localhost -d=orcl -u=apps -p=apps -v=1.0.0

You will notice that the generate plugin created a directory with the same name given as the -pr option. Change into that directory.

> cd example

The generate plugin created the following standard project structure.

|-- myproject.conf
`-- create
    |-- orcl
    |   `-- dat
    |       `-- dev
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- prod
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- test
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- uat
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- version.sql
    |   `-- ddl
    |       `-- cst
    |       `-- dbl
    |       `-- dir
    |       `-- fct
    |           `-- get_property.sql
    |       `-- gra
    |       `-- idx
    |       `-- jar
    |       `-- lib
    |       `-- pkg
    |       `-- prc
    |       `-- scm
    |       `-- seq
    |       `-- syn
    |       `-- tab
    |           `-- application_properties.sql
    |       `-- trg
    |           `-- application_properties_biu.sql
    |       `-- usr
    |       `-- vw

You will also notice that the generate plugin created the orcl directory with the same name given as the -d option. This folder is called the database folder.

The create/orcl/dat directory contains the project data scripts, the create/orcl/ddl directory contains the source code, and the myproject.conf is the project's Project configuration file.


The myproject.conf file is the core of a project's configuration in NoOra. It is a single configuration file that contains the majority of information required to build a project in just the way you want.
This project's myproject.conf is:

 # The databases in the mysql server.

 # The object folders scanned when removing database objects.
 # Used by the drop plugins, the scanned folders can be found under the plugin.
 # The order in the list reflects the order in which database objects are removed.
 DROP_OBJECTS=    ['scm','usr','vw','syn','trg','typ','tab','prc','fct','pkg','jar','seq','idx','dbl']

 # The object folders scanned during the creation of the database objects, typically create or update.
 # The folders under the create or alter folder(s).
 # The order in the list reflects the order in which database objects are created.
 CREATE_OBJECTS=     ['usr','dbl','lib','dir','scm','seq','syn','tab','cst','fct','prc','pkg','jar','vw','trg','idx','gra']

 # Contains the mysql hosts, with their corresponding database, username and password.

 # The environment descriptor used, when no environment descriptor is given.
 # Normaly this is the development environment.

 # Contains a list of valid mysql server hosts for this database project. 

 # Contains a list of blocked mysql server hosts. 
 # Blocked hosts can not be dropped. 
 # Normaly this variable contains the host of your production environment.


 # excluded extensions

 # excluded folder

 # excluded files

 # Environments available for this database project

 # The database which controls the verioning of the database project.

 VERSION_UPDATE_STATEMENT="update application_properties set value='<version>' where name='application.version';"
 VERSION_INSERT_STATEMENT="insert into application_properties(name,value) values ('application.version','<version>');"
 VERSION_SELECT_STATEMENT="select value into l_value from application_properties where name='application.version';"
 ENVIRONMENT_INSERT_STATEMENT="insert into application_properties(name,value) values ('application.environment','<environment>');"
 ENVIRONMENT_SELECT_STATEMENT="select value into l_value from application_properties where name='application.environment';"

 # Reflects the create version of the database project.


What did I just do?

You executed the NoOra plugin generate. The generate plugin created the database project folder, the project tree and initiated the myproject.conf file.

Install the project in the mysql database.

> mynoora create -h=localhost

The command line will print out various actions, the following is shown.

creating database 'orcl' on host 'localhost' using environment 'dev'
database 'orcl' created.

Remove the project from the mysql database.

> drop -h=localhost

The command line will print out various actions, the following is shown.

dropping database 'orcl' on host 'localhost' using environment 'dev'
database 'orcl' dropped.

Create an oracle project

On your command line, perform the following:

> generate -pr=my_project_db -si=orcl -sc=apps -u=apps -p=apps -v=1.0.0

You will notice that the generate plugin created a directory with the same name given as the -pr option. Change into that directory.

> cd my_project_db

The generate plugin created the following standard project structure.

|-- project.conf
`-- create
    |-- apps
    |   `-- dat
    |       `-- dev
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- prod
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- test
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- uat
    |           `-- environment.sql
    |       `-- version.sql
    |   `-- ddl
    |       `-- cst
    |       `-- dbl
    |       `-- dir
    |       `-- fct
    |       `-- gra
    |       `-- idx
    |       `-- jar
    |       `-- lib
    |           `--
    |       `-- pkg
    |       `-- prc
    |       `-- scm
    |       `-- seq
    |       `-- syn
    |       `-- tab
    |       `-- trg
    |       `-- usr
    |       `-- vw

You will also notice that the generate plugin created the ''apps'' directory with the same name given as the -sc option. This folder is called the scheme folder. The name of this folder can differ from actual scheme in the database, which is set with the -u option.

The ''create/apps/dat'' directory contains the project data scripts, the ''create/apps/ddl'' directory contains the source code, and the project.conf is the project's Project configuration file.


The project.conf file is the core of a project's configuration in NoOra. It is a single configuration file that contains the majority of information required to build a project in just the way you want.
This project's project.conf is:

# Contains the version of the database project
# only used by the static plugins.

# Contains the schemes of the database project.

# Contains the object types used by the drop plugin.
# These reflect the folders to scan in the drop tree. See the folder plugins/static/drop
# The given order is the order in which the objects will be removed from the database.
DROP_OBJECTS=        ['scm','usr','vw','syn','trg','typ','tab','prc','fct','pkg','jar','seq','idx','dbl']

# Contains the object types used by the create, update plugins.
# These reflect the folders to scan in the create and alter tree. For example     create/apps/ddl or alter/apps/ddl.
# The given order is the order in which the objects will be created or updated in the     database.
CREATE_OBJECTS=    ['usr','dbl','lib','dir','scm','seq','syn','tab','cst','fct','prc','pkg','jar','vw','trg','idx    ','gra']

# Contains the oracle sids, with the schemes, usernames and passwords.

# Contains the default environment to use, when no environment is given.

# Contains the list of oracle sids for this database project. 

# Contains a list of blocked oracle sids. 
# Blocked sids can not be dropped. 
# Normaly this variable contains the oracle sid of your production environment.

# Contains the excluded extensions.
# These extensions are skipped by the plugins.

# Contains the excluded folders.
# The folders are skipped by the plugins.

# Contains the excluded files
# These files are skipped by the plugins.

# Contains the list of enviroments valid for this project.

# Contains the schema which will hold the version of the database project.

VERSION_UPDATE_STATEMENT="update application_properties set value='<version>' where name='application.version';"
VERSION_INSERT_STATEMENT="insert into application_properties(id,name,value) values (application_properties_s.nextval,'application.version','1.0.0');"
VERSION_SELECT_STATEMENT="select value into l_value from application_properties where name='application.version';"
ENVIRONMENT_INSERT_STATEMENT="insert into application_properties(id,name,value) values (application_properties_s.nextval,'application.environment','<environment>');"
ENVIRONMENT_SELECT_STATEMENT="select value into l_value from application_properties where name='application.environment';"

# Contains the default version of the database project. In other words the version of the     create tree.

# Contains the list of plugins to use for this database project.
PLUGINS=    ['dynamic.generate.GeneratePlugin.GeneratePlugin','static.drop.DropPlugin.DropPlugin','static.clean.CleanPlugin.CleanPlugin','','dynamic.create.CreatePlugin.CreatePlugin','static.unittest.UnitTestPlugin.UnitTestPlugin','dynamic.update.UpdatePlugin.UpdatePlugin','dynamic.recreate.RecreatePlugin.RecreatePlugin']

What did I just do?

You executed the NoOra plugin generate. The generate plugin created the database project folder, the project tree and initiated the project.conf file.

Install the project in the oracle database.

> create -s=orcl

The command line will print out various actions, the following is shown.

creating scheme 'apps' in database 'orcl' using environment 'dev'
scheme 'apps' created.
compiling scheme 'apps' in database 'orcl' using environment 'dev'
scheme 'apps' compiled.

Remove the project from the oracle database.

> drop -s=orcl

The command line will print out various actions, the following is shown.

dropping scheme 'apps' in database 'orcl' using environment 'dev'
scheme 'apps' dropped.

Showing plugin help.

> drop -h

The command line will print out various actions, the following is shown.

drops the database objects of the defined schemes.
-s=  --sid=     required contains the tnsname of the database.
-u=  --scheme=  not required, contains the scheme of 
                the database objects to drop.
-e=  --env=     not required, used for mapping 
                the username and password.


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