Emman - 2013-09-17

This is my test circuit it always bother me why i get a flat result but its not in the negative region please help. I have done almost everything like adding reltol rshunt and gmin but nothing works it always produce flat result. please help

XTEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MAX5064A
VSUP1 12 10 12V
VSUP2 1 3 12V

VIN2 8 4 0V
VIN3 9 4 DC 0 PULSE(0 10 3U 10N 10N 5U 15U)

VIN5 6 4 0V
VIN4 7 4 DC 0 PULSE(0 10 3U 10N 10N 5U 15U)

CL1 11 10 100N
CL2 2 3 100N
VG1 3 0 0V
VG 4 0 0
VG2 10 0 0
RBBM 5 0 300K
VO1 11 10 PWL(100 12V 10U 0V)
VO2 2 3 PWL(0 12V 10U 0V)

.INCLUDE ../../spice/power-supplies-and-battery-management/macro/MAX5064A.FAM
* modelimport:MAX5064A
.option rshunt=1e25
OP Let expressions, if any:

write <rawfile> 5
set appendwrite true
TRAN 10N 10U
*Let expressions, if any:

write <rawfile> v(5)
rusage everything
.plot TRAN v(5)