
nepenthes -finest collection- 0.1.7 release

Nepenthes is a low interaction honeypot designed to catch and store worms.

Main focus for this release was getting the shellcode signatures to a text file, as you dont have to recompile then to add shellcodes.

This removed some redunancy in the signatures, and gives better results.

Apart from this, now there is support for prelude, thanks to Harald Lampesberger for fixing the code.
There is a new module to emulate some bugs in windows ftp daemons, Harald Lampesberger contributed this to check out if the statement about how easy it was to write a module was true.

Georg Wicherski fixed the submit-gotek module to allow transferr collected samples to a central server with less overhead.
This module is used for the mwcollect alliance on

Emre Bastuz wrote a webinterface for the submit-xmlrpc, you can have a look here
(thats the reason why we did not remove xmlrpc in 0.1.7)

SURFnet donated a box we use for hosting a public svn repository as well as the homepage(s).

The ShadowServer Project was a great help in testing the new shellcode signatures code:

Enjoy it

Posted by Nepenthes Development Team 2006-04-23

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