
Tree [2cf951] default tip /

Read Only access

File Date Author Commit
 data 2011-11-13 tal tal [246574] Make the plugin internal.
 src 2011-12-24 tal tal [2cf951] Support also for a global Xfce panel store.
 vapi 2011-12-24 tal tal [99a2ea] Increase version, deps, and depend on libxfconf-0.
 .hgtags 2011-12-12 tal tal [141d75] Added tag release, 0.0.5 for changeset c8014af3...
 AUTHORS 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial
 COPYING 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial
 ChangeLog 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial
 INSTALL 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial
 LICENSE 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial
 NEWS 2011-12-12 tal tal [c8014a] Decelerate version 0.0.5.
 README 2011-12-12 tal tal [4671fa] Update README
 THANKS 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial 2011-12-24 tal tal [99a2ea] Increase version, deps, and depend on libxfconf-0.
 cook 2011-08-29 default default [d52ac5] initial

Read Me

MPRIS Applet project web-site:

==== Description ====

MPRIS Applet is a project aims to provide desktop panel applet/plugin
allow the user to control MPRIS capable players.
Unlike Panflute Music Applet, special plugin for each player isn't
required in order to be compatible with this applet/plugin. Only MPRIS
version 1 or 2 support is required from the player.
Unlike Ayatana Sound Menu, which is Ubuntu only, MPRIS Applet isn't
distro depended. Only UNIX style is required.
Currently supported Desktop Environments are GNOME and Xfce(also, a
basic GTK2/GTK3 window).
However, more desktops support is planned, and very possible thanks to
this project libraries structure.

This package contains the Xfce(4.6+) plugin for MPRIS.

==== Installation ====
***From tarball***
tarball = *.tar[.*] (i.e. not from mercurial repo.)
For most users:
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install ---> AS ROOT(sudo, su, login root)

Be notice that the automake datadir(usually ${prefix}/share) have to be
as same as Xfce(panel) datadir. This is where the plugin desktop file is
In simple words, making sure that Xfce(panel) and this package prefixes
are the same is enough. For most user Xfce(panel) is stored in /usr,
so they shell type the comands above. If in doubt, or part of the
explanation was not understood, just type the comands above.

***From repository***
Just follow the instruction for tarball above, and replace the "configure"
in "" the command line parameters are the same.
Alternatively, you can run the ./cook script(with no parameters) and then
running configure as explained for tarball above.
You will need autotools if you use download from repository, since the
package is not ready for configure script yet (and it's not exist).

==== Uninstall ====
CD(change directory) in terminal to the source directory you've installed
from, and type:
sudo make uninstall

==== Makefile tricks ====
After configuration, you can remove unneeded files, if you wish.
Read carefully, this might be one way operation if you don't have vala
or autotools.
make mostlyclean => Remove only the temporary object,libtool,etc. files
that was generated/compiled/linked in order to build the final result.
However, it doesn't delete C source files, headers, and generated vapis.
make clean => Do the previous + Remove final results.
make distclean => Keep only the files that needed if autotools are
availible. It doesn't delete C source files, headers, and generated vapis.
make maintainer-clean => Do the previous + Remove any source C source
files, headers, and generated vapis. This is what you get when cloning the

==== License ====
See "LICENSE" in this directory.

==== Repository ====
Change directory(cd) to an empty directory and type in terminal:
hg clone . -< the dot is needed
You can pull changes by:
hg pull
And you can update to last changeset(after pulling as showed above) by:
hg update
See mercurial web-site for full manual.

For more information, visit our web-site.