
#7 Xmt crashes in AskForBool.c?


I'm debugging a current app, and getting occasional
crashes in Xmt/AskForBool.c at the following line:

XmtNpixmap, GetPixmap(info-
>boolean_dialog, data.icon_type),

I've read the other bug reports and the like re: checking
for a successful return from GetPixmap etc.. but am still
experiencing the crashes. It always happens when it's
handling a dialog box.

any ideas?

Jason Brown


  • Grant McDorman

    Grant McDorman - 2004-12-10

    Logged In: YES

    Please give more details on the crash, i.e. the specific
    error message(s), and the platform and OS versions. Without
    these details, we cannot determine the problem.

  • Ken Scoggins

    Ken Scoggins - 2005-08-18

    Logged In: YES

    I just recently ran into another issue with this GetPixmap stuff
    that is related to the response I submitted in the other bug
    report. BTW, this occurred on a sun box runniong Solaris
    2.9. uname: "SunOS sacasip 5.9 Generic_112233-11 sun4u
    sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R"

    Last year, I set the env var mentioned in that post to fix the
    GetPixmap crash. We just came across another related
    oddity that I can't quite figure out. If XmtDisplayWarningMsg()
    gets called before XmtDisplayWarningAndAsk(), the
    GetPixmap crash occurs EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE ENV
    VAR SET CORRECTLY!! If XmtDisplayWarningAndAsk()
    gets called first, then all is well for the rest of the program's
    execution life.

    It's as if XmtDisplayWarningMsg() does something to mess-
    up the XmGetPixmapByDepth() call. I took a quick look and
    didn't see anything obvious jumping out at me. For now, I
    just implemented the code change I mentioned in the other
    post to check the GetPixmap return value before using it. I
    hope to have more time to try to debug this oddity in the

    Below is a sample program I wrote to help me isolate and try
    to solve the problem. It simply creates a GUI with buttons
    that call each of the above mentioned functions.
    Click "Warn" first then "Warn and Ask" and you get the
    GetPixmap crash. Click them in the other order and
    everything is fine. (NOTE: If "Warn and Ask" crashes even if it
    is the first button clicked, then you have the bug mentioned in
    the previous topic. Make sure the env var is set.)

    If you put in the fix to check the GetPixmap return value, then
    nothing crashes and you simply get a popup with no "!" icon.

    (Sorry if it looks ugly. I just cut and pasted it. May not
    lineup nicely in this font.)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <Xm/PushB.h>
    #include <Xmt/Xmt.h>
    #include <Xmt/Dialogs.h>
    #include <Xmt/Layout.h>

    static void warnCb(Widget w, int x,
    XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cb);
    static void warnaskCb(Widget w, int x,
    XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cb);
    static void quitCb(Widget w, int x,
    XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cb);

    static XtAppContext appc;

    static Widget toplevel;
    static Widget mainLayout;
    static Widget warnPb;
    static Widget warnaskPb;
    static Widget quitPb;

    int main( int argc, char** argv )
    XmString xmStr;

    /* Set the env var to ensure that the dialog pixmaps are
    found by Xmt. */
    /* Would not be hardcoded normally, but do so for this test
    program. */
    if( putenv
    ( "XMICONSEARCHPATH=/usr/dt/share/include/bitmaps/%
    B" ) ) {
    perror("putenv failed for XMICONSEARCHPATH" );

    /* Start building the display. */
    toplevel = XmtInitialize( &appc, "XmtTest", NULL, 0, &argc,
    NULL, NULL, 0);

    mainLayout = XtVaCreateWidget( "main_layout",
    XmtNorientation, XmVERTICAL,
    XmtNlayout, "warn_pb warnask_pb
    NULL );

    /* Warning Button */
    xmStr = XmStringCreateLocalized( "Warn" );

    warnPb = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "warn_pb",
    XmNlabelString, xmStr,
    NULL );
    XmStringFree( xmStr );

    XtAddCallback( warnPb, XmNactivateCallback,
    (XtCallbackProc)warnCb, 0 );

    /* Warn and Ask Button */
    xmStr = XmStringCreateLocalized( "Warn and Ask" );

    warnaskPb = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "warnask_pb",
    XmNlabelString, xmStr,
    NULL );
    XmStringFree( xmStr );

    XtAddCallback( warnaskPb, XmNactivateCallback,
    (XtCallbackProc)warnaskCb, 0);

    /* Quit Button */
    xmStr = XmStringCreateLocalized( "Quit" );

    quitPb = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "quit_pb",
    XmNlabelString, xmStr,
    NULL );
    XmStringFree( xmStr );

    XtAddCallback( quitPb, XmNactivateCallback,
    (XtCallbackProc)quitCb, 0);

    /* Display it all */
    XtManageChild( mainLayout );

    XtRealizeWidget( toplevel );

    XtAppMainLoop( appc );

    return( 0 );

    void warnCb( Widget w, int x, XmPushButtonCallbackStruct
    *cb )
    XmtDisplayWarningMsg( mainLayout, NULL,
    "This is a WARNING! You have been
    NULL, NULL );

    void warnaskCb( Widget w, int x,
    XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cb )
    XmtDisplayWarningAndAsk( mainLayout, NULL,
    "This is a WARNING! Do you feel
    NULL, NULL, XmtNoButton, NULL );

    void quitCb( Widget w, int x, XmPushButtonCallbackStruct
    *cb )
    exit( 0 );



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