
MonetDB Release Nov2008 available

The MonetDB team at CWI is pleased to announce the new "Nov2008" release of the MonetDB suite of programs.

The MonetDB kernel underwent a serious of upgrades to prepare for faster handling of table administrations.

The SQL stack contains several new optimizers, including a dataflow optimizer that capitalizes multi-core systems for intra-query performance.

A series of (minor) bugs were resolved and feature requests granten. The current code base has increased in stability, at the cost of a database dump/restore required now.

See for more details.

The new release consists of the following packages:

MonetDB Common 1.26.0
MonetDB Clients 1.26.0
MonetDB4 Server 4.26.0
MonetDB XQuery 0.26.0
MonetDB5 Server 5.8.0
MonetDB SQL 2.26.0
MonetDB SQL/GIS 0.6.0

There is of course also a "Super Source Ball", a tarball containing the combined sources.

The copyright for the MonetDB suite was transferred to a newly formed company MonetDB B.V. One of the most important conditions for this transfer was that the software remains open source, and so the license under which this software is being distributed has not changed (apart from the copyright notice).

As of this release, all packages are serviced from our local machines, i.e. following the download link.

Posted by Martin Kersten 2008-11-29

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