
#2 Internal Redirect Error


I have two scripts that work independently (that is, I
can execute either from the browser and get the
expected page displayed). From Rexx script #1 I'm
trying to perform a "WWWInternal_Redirect" to script
#2. When I do this I get a segmentation fault in the
"error_log" and the second script page is never
displayed. It appears the second script is never
executed. It appears something related to the internal
redirect is not quite right.

If I set a "location" header and respond with a 302
return code (temporarily moved) instead of the internal
redirect the second page is displayed. This goes back
to the browser and causes it to perform an external
redirect by issuing another request with the relocated
URL. This works for now.


  • abel

    abel - 2005-09-06

    Logged In: YES

    i am curious if this is along the same 'path' as the following:
    <Location />
    SetHandler rexx_handler
    RexxHandler '/path/to/footer.rex'
    set in the conf file.
    when not commented out the default request
    generates a blank page.
    when commented make the same request --
    the index.html file is displayed as expected...

  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2005-09-06

    Logged In: YES

    This was a real bug in the Mod_Rexx code. It has been fixed
    in the CVS tree but I have not marked it as closed because I
    have not put out a new release with the fix. If you want to
    checkout the mod_rexx cvs source and recompile it you can
    fix this problem yourself.

  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-05-17
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • David Ashley

    David Ashley - 2007-05-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Marked as fixed with the release of Mod_Rexx 2.2.0.