

Wolfgang Maier


Project Status

Current version: 0.1.9 (released in March 2018)
News and announcements:


Questions, suggestions and comments are welcome at:!forum/mimodd (MiModD user group)

or per email to:


The initial version (0.1) was written by Katharina Moos and Wolfgang Maier in the Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Molecular Genetics at the Institute for Biology III of the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 2013.

Getting started:

  • Installation instructions can be found here.

  • If you want to try MiModD, but do not want to or cannot install the software and all its dependencies, you can check our preconfigured bundled distributions. These can be run directly from their extracted download archives without any changes to your system and should work on any 64-bit Linux system and with macOS.

  • Documentation including a detailed tutorial on WGS analysis with MiModD is here.

  • We are compiling a list of recipes for solving frequently occurring MiModD-related tasks and problems. If you have a question, chances are (increasing) that it is answered there.

  • Under [MiModD on public Galaxy servers], we provide links to public Galaxy servers offering MiModD tools preinstalled together with site-specific usage information detailing if and how analyses on a server differ from those with a local installation of MiModD.

Project Members:



Wiki: MiModD on public Galaxy servers