ptb - 2011-07-18

I'm running latest mayavi2 in linux with all bells attached, and I've had success in concocting python scripts that import some data, render it offline, then save to a file. What I want to do, however, is take TWO data sources and construct a scene in which ONE appears as POINTS and ONE appears as a SURFACE, both at the same time.

I can do it in the GUI easily, but I can't find an example script that mixes two sources. The example scripts I have all add a surface module to a scene, and the surface module can then be set of 'points' or 'surface' OK, but I need TWO surface modules, each attached to ONE of the data sources, and render both.

How do I do that?

At the moment what I have is like
e = Engine()
s = e.new_scene()

r = VTKFileReader()

sur = Surface()

Thanks for any help!