
Mounts ok - no files (sshfs)

  • Fredrik Elestedt

    This problem has been posted fot FTPs, but I havn't seen it for this configuration.

    Mounting a sshfs works - but there are no files, most of the times.
    Sometimes i get a listing (simple ls - no switches), but if I try to change dir i get Connection Refused.

    I'm using Gentoo Linux kernel 2.4.20 rt5. Trying to connect to Unix 5.9
    I can connect with ssh without problems...

    • Bill Dahab

      Bill Dahab - 2004-02-29

      i have the same problem. one server is Redhat and another FreeBSD. i can sftp onto both of them fine, and i can mount with lufs as ftp to the FreeBSD one. the other server doesn't have ftp, only sftp, so i really need to get sshfs working with it, if i'm going to do what i need to with it. thanks for anyone who seems to know what the problem is.

    • harlequin11

      harlequin11 - 2004-04-23

      The problem is that by default, LUFS is trying to use multiple channels and a non-secure SSH usage - ie, one that doesn't use your public SSH key - only allows for one channel.

      From here you can do one of 2 things, you can;

      a) create yourself a key and load that key into the server. I'd reccomend this as it's far more secure, easier and has the added bonus of not having to enter user passwords into your terminal; or
      b) add a -c1 to the end of your lufsmount line. This will forse the lufs session into using only a single channel.

      To create a key and add it to the trusted keys on the server, follow these steps;

      1. Browse to your home directory, and run;
              mkdir -p .ssh 
              chmod 700 .ssh
              cd .ssh
              ssh-keygen -t dsa
      2. copy your public key to the remote server;
              scp -p user@server
      3. SSH into the remote server and add your public key to the authorised keys.
              ssh user@server
          if it doesnt already exist, create the .ssh directory on the server.
              mkdir -p ~/.ssh
              chmod 700 ~/.ssh
          Add your key to the authorized_keys file
              cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
              chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
          And log-on-out

      Try logging back in, if you've done everything correctly you should recieve an 'Enter passphrase' prompt - if you specified a passphrase - or it should just log in - if you left passphrase blank.



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