

Bradley S. Meyer

A library of C codes that allow a user to store and use data on quantum levels in a system such as an atom, molecule, or nucleus.


  1. Download.
  2. Compile.
  3. Retrieve Data
  4. Run the Examples.

Release Log:

The release log shows the history of the releases of liblvls.

API Documentation:

libnuceq API documentation extracted from the file Liblvls.h.

Technical Reports:

  1. liblvls Module.
    • This Webnucleo Technical Report presents some of the details of the structures and routines in liblvls.
    • Previous versions: 2010-02-05-2, 2008-09-29-1.
  2. liblvls Iterators.
    • This technical report describes how to iterate over species, levels, or zones with liblvls and how to apply functions during the iterations.
    • Previous versions: 2008-09-30-1.
  3. User-Supplied Transition Rate Functions in liblvls.
    • This technical report describes how to apply user-supplied transition rates to transition rate calculations in

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