

  • Bernd Stoltefuss

    Hi again,

    another question:
    How do i address a field in an occurs section?

    My copybook is like this:

    01 BLA.
        02 REC.
            05 FIELD1         PIC X(10)
            05 GROUP1 OCCURS 10.
                10 FIELDX     PIC X(10).
                10 FIELDY     PIC X(20).
            05 GROUP2 OCCURS 20.
                10 FIELDY     PIC X(10).
                10 FIELDZ     PIC X(20):

    I tried
    layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1 (1)", "FIELDX");
    layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1", "FIELDX (1)");

    But both versions don't seem to find the field. As i never worked with occurs fields before i am not sure about the correct way to get the fieldDetail espacially as i have to adress it with it's group name, as it may occur in more then one group in the copybook.


    Last edit: Bruce Martin 2015-08-14
  • Bernd Stoltefuss

    May be i found nd the solution by dumping the fieldDetail incl. GroupName.
    The correct way seems to be:
    layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1 (1)", "FIELDX (1)");

    So the index has to be used on both group and field. Rather odd...

    • Bruce Martin

      Bruce Martin - 2015-08-18

      I have updated so that the following works:

      • layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1", "FIELDX (1)");

      Also Group details are exported/imported in RecordEditor-Xml. They are exported as a Tag on the field item, but only when they change so you get

       <field ... group=".a.b.c.">
       <field ...>
       <field ...>
        <field ... group=".a.d.">
       <field ...>
  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2015-08-14

    it should be one of:

        layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1", "FIELDX (1)");
       layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1 (1)", "FIELDX");

    but could well be

    layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1 (1)", "FIELDX (1)");

    I will look at it and update to

    layout.getGroupField("REC", "GROUP1", "FIELDX (1)");

    Also with getGroupField you do not need to specify every Group level. Only specify the minimum to fully qualify the name. It tries to follow the "Cobol" convention.


    In Cobol adding in a Group level does not cause a problem, so people do it without thinking about it e.g.

            05 Birth-Data                   pic 9(8).


            05 Birth-Data-X.
                07 Birth-Data                   pic 9(8).

    Last edit: Bruce Martin 2015-08-14

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