
#60 Confirm when deleting images.


Del key asks for confirmation, but when using mouse on screen over the: [X]
it just deletes without asking, an accidental click might erase an image. There should be at least an option for enabling/disabling delete confirmation.


  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2014-03-27

    That is intentionally because it is very unlikely that you click on this button accidentially. Asking for confirmation would make it hard to sort out folders of pictures and delete the bad ones.
    If you nevertheless deleted an image accidentially: The deleted images are moved to the recycle bin and can be restored from there.
    In (released tomorrow), there will be a confirmation in case the drive has no recycle bin, like memory sticks or remote drives as you would not be able to recover the deleted file in this case.


  • isidroco

    isidroco - 2014-03-28

    It's not so difficult to accidentally press [X], and with no message one might think nothing happened. ALthough it's true that it's easier for cleanup. That's why I asked an option in ini file: Confirm Delete: Always, Removable Only, Never. Setting "Removable only" as default would be as you suggested. I would leave Always whenever I finish "cleaning" because I'm afraid when used as a viewer my daughter could accidentally delete photos. Current behavior is unacceptable so I'll continue with ACDSEE v3.0 as a viewer (fastest practical viewer I know now).

  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2014-03-28 allows finer control over deletion of files in the INI file:
    AllowFileDeletion=false : Allows disabling file deleting in JPEGView
    DeleteConfirmation=Always/OnlyWhenNoRecycleBin/Never : Controls confirmation when deleting with navigation panel button

  • isidroco

    isidroco - 2014-03-29

    It's even better than I asked for! It's reliefing to have a view only option, one could even have same program twice, one for sorting/deleting/etc with it's own access, and the other one as default viewer incapable of damaging originals. (Maybe there should be a readonly option too which disables Save)

  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2014-04-08

    Implemented in

  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2014-04-08
    • status: open --> closed

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