
How to save as a word file to a pdf file?

Neo zhang
  • Neo zhang

    Neo zhang - 2013-05-08

    I want to open a word file and save it as a pdf file with jacob.
    The code as follow:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ActiveXComponent _app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
       _app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));
      Dispatch documents = _app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
      Dispatch doc = Dispatch.invoke(documents, "Open", Dispatch.Method, 
                            new Object[]{"C:\\Demo.docx", 
                                                    new Variant(false), 
                            new Variant(true)}, 
                            new int[1]).toDispatch();
     Dispatch.invoke(doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] {
                        "C:\\Demo.pdf", new Variant(false), new Variant(true)}, new int[1]);
    Variant f = new Variant(false);, "Close", f);
    _app.invoke("Quit", new Variant[]{});

    The code run without errors and the 'Demo.pdf' has been generated also.
    However Demo.pdf can not be opened by Acrobat Reader.
    It promted "Demo.pdf is a bad file".

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-09

    Give me a while and I should be able to post the code to do this. Sadly, it is not quite as simple as changing the extension!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-10

    This example will only work if you are using one of the more recent versions of Word - 2007 or later - as it relies upon the ExportAsFixedFormat method ( which was added into the application then.

    Anyway, here it is and if you look down into the main() method, you should see how to use it.

    import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;

    public class ConvertToPDF {
        private ActiveXComponent oleComponent = null;
        private Dispatch activeDoc = null;

        private final static String APP_ID = "Word.Application";
        // Constants that map onto Word's WdSaveOptions enumeration and that
        // may be passed to the close(int) method
        public static final int DO_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES = 0;
        public static final int PROMPT_TO_SAVE_CHANGES = -2;
        public static final int SAVE_CHANGES = -1;
        // These constant values determine whether or not tha application
        // instance will be displyed on the users screen or not.
        public static final boolean VISIBLE = true;
        public static final boolean HIDDEN = false;
         * Create a new instance of the JacobWordSearch class using the following
         * parameters.
         * @param visibility A primitive boolean whose value will determine whether
         *        or not the Word application will be visible to the user. Pass true
         *        to display Word, false otherwise.
        public ConvertToPDF(boolean visibility) {
            this.oleComponent = new ActiveXComponent(ConvertToPDF.APP_ID);
            this.oleComponent.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(visibility));
         * Open ana existing Word document.
         * @param docName An instance of the String class that encapsulates the
         *        path to and name of a valid Word file. Note that there are a few
         *        limitations applying to the format of this String; it must specify
         *        the absolute path to the file and it must not use the single forward
         *        slash to specify the path separator.
        public void openDoc(String docName) {
            Dispatch disp = null;
            Variant var = null;

            // First get a Dispatch object referencing the Documents collection - for
            // collections, think of ArrayLists of objects.
            var = Dispatch.get(this.oleComponent, "Documents");
            disp = var.getDispatch();

            // Now call the Open method on the Documents collection Dispatch object
            // to both open the file and add it to the collection. It would be possible
            // to open a series of files and access each from the Documents collection
            // but for this example, it is simpler to store a reference to the
            // active document in a private instance variable.
            var =, "Open", docName);
            this.activeDoc = var.getDispatch();
         * There is more than one way to convert the document into PDF format, you
         * can either explicitly use a FileConvertor object or call the
         * ExportAsFixedFormat method on the active document. This method opts for
         * the latter and calls the ExportAsFixedFormat method passing the name
         * of the file along with the integer value of 17. This value maps onto one
         * of Word's constants called wdExportFormatPDF and causes the application
         * to convert the file into PDF format. If you wanted to do so, for testing
         * purposes, you could add another value to the args array, a Boolean value
         * of true. This would open the newly converted document automatically.
         * @param filename
        public void publishAsPDF(String filename) {
            // The code to expoort as a PDF is 17
            //Object args = new Object{filename, new Integer(17), new Boolean(true)};
            Object args = new Object{filename, new Integer(17)};
  , "ExportAsFixedFormat", args);
         * Called to close the active document. Note that this method simply
         * calls the overloaded closeDoc(int) method passing the value 0 which
         * instructs Word to close the document and discard any changes that may
         * have been made since the document was opened or edited.
        public void closeDoc() {
         * Called to close the active document. It is possible with this overloaded
         * version of the close() method to specify what should happen if the user
         * has made changes to the document that have not been saved. There are three
         * possible value defined by the following manifest constants;
         *      DO_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES - Close the document and discard any changes
         *                            the user may have made.
         *      PROMPT_TO_SAVE_CHANGES - Display a prompt to the user asking them
         *                               how to proceed.
         *      SAVE_CHANGES - Save the changes the user has made to the document.
         * @param saveOption A primitive integer whose value indicates how the close
         *        operation should proceed if the user has made changes to the active
         *        document. Note that no checks are made on the value passed to
         *        this argument.
        public void closeDoc(int saveOption) {
            Object args = {new Integer(saveOption)};
  , "Close", args);
         * Called once processing has completed in order to close down the instance
         * of Word.
        public void quit() {
  , "Quit");

        public static void main(String args) {
            ConvertToPDF ctpdf = new ConvertToPDF(false);
            ctpdf.openDoc("C:\\temp\\Your Doc.docx");
            ctpdf.publishAsPDF("C:\\temp\\Your Doc.pdf");


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