
Standard J2K Library - General C++ Lib / News: Recent posts

Welcome to all new J2K Networking team

I wish to welcome everybody,
who just joined the project.
Especially, those who are working
on the j2k/net tree !

I wish to also welcome any other new member.

Sincerely yours,

Posted by Fred P. 2001-10-06

Happy Birthday! Standard J2K Library

It's been exactly 12 months that this LGPL project has been created,
over 8,000 visitors has come visit our web site and more than 5,440 downloads,
where our latest release was downloaded more than 740 times!

What was started as a way to reuse, to protect and to easily have access
to my optimized C++ code, became one of the biggest accomplishment that I am proud of. =)

I want to thank everyone who had helped, contributed or inspired me
in a way or another. I want thank all of you who trusted this library.
I also want to thank Sourceforge for providing
these tools that makes our project possible
as a free open-source project.

Posted by Fred P. 2001-06-15

Send us your feedback about our library!

We would really enjoy knowing what are all
the difficulties, bugs or other things
that you have appreciated or not from this
library. This way we could fix those problems
and make our and your life simpler.

If you think that this library suck OR
if it's the best library that you ever saw,
it doesn't matter! Please just send us all
your comments and we will be grateful to you
for that.


Posted by Fred P. 2000-11-27

The current library contains more than 150 classes.

The current Standard J2K Library contains more than 150 classes,
all currently developped by a single person, Fred,
and this in a single month of part-time work ! =)

Currently, I'm quite disappointed by the fact that amongs all the support that we currently got,
nobody else created yet (July 16th, 2000) a single line of code for this J2K library. =(

The library will continue to grow at the speed of light until September 2000.
After that it will be moved to the state of Beta Version, where more test and debugging
will be done on many platform and compiler.... read more

Posted by Fred P. 2000-07-16

Changes made to Task Manager

I made few modifications to the task manager,
every thing that is done, is marked as:
- deleted
- 100%
- priority 1
- Scheduled for the same finish date, but in year 2001.

If you want to have the undone task, look for open position,
for completed task look for delete.

I didn't use close position yet, since all task are open to everyone.

If you think you can help for this project or do one of the tasks
or submit some code you made that you wanna share with us,
please do so, by emailing me at fprog -at read more

Posted by Fred P. 2000-07-12

CVS Repository Now Available

You can now download the latest "patches" from the CVS repository,
the Last update was made June 30th.


Posted by Fred P. 2000-07-01

Documentation online Now Available !

I have installed DOxygen-1.1.4 on the WebServer,
it can be used to generate Documentation in English and French
for your classes.

There is still few bugs with the search engine top links
and some hidden info, but it's still VERY VERY GOOD
for documenting such a project.

I am also quite amaze by the very good quality
of language for the french translation.

"C'est tout simplement gnial !" =)... read more

Posted by Fred P. 2000-06-24

J2K Lib Tree of development splitted in 3 modules.

Each directory under <j2k/*> have now there own module name.
This is too ease the download for those who just want the latest part module.
Each users that will work will have there own module, instead of using CVS server.
Currently, there is 4 modules:
J2K : The latest complete release
J2K/Lang : The latest converted Java Lang files
J2K/References : References code for this library (Public domain or LGPL or homework)
J2K/Fred : The code I am working on... =)... read more

Posted by Fred P. 2000-06-24

Other file release format (Zip,tgz)

If you can't read ACE format,
please make sure you got the ace.exe program

Most release will be made in this format, for simplicity;
however, if there is enough REQUEST,
I might also upload it as ZIP or TGZ in the /files/ directory.

If you want those compress format supported,
please right an email to the author.

fprog26 -at-

Posted by Fred P. 2000-06-17

Standard J2K library description

This C++ library is compliant to the Embedded C++ Standard subset.

It's main purpose is to provide a standard C++ API
similar to the one available in Java.

This library is HIGHLY portable to any platform, OS or microprocessor.

It's licensed under the "leeser" Library GNU Public License LGPL.
It can be used to compile any sort of C/C++ program
including commercial program, which are not free to use.... read more

Posted by Fred P. 2000-06-14