
#3 Legend on Busiest Local Hosts Graph


On the Busiest Local Host Graphs, there is a colored
line to represent each host, but no colleration of the
color to which host it actually is exists.

I would see this as a very helpful feature.


  • Lina Pezzella & Hasan Khalil

    • assigned_to: nobody --> jrifkin
  • Jon Rifkin

    Jon Rifkin - 2003-12-28

    Logged In: YES

    My personal prejudice is that a label might be misleading,
    because any single line on the graph can correspond to many
    hosts over the life of the graph. In particular, the first
    busiest host line gives the amount of traffic for the top
    host each 30 minutes, but the identity of that host can
    change every 30 minutes.

    Of coures, if there's a consensus we could label the graph
    with the
    most *recent* top 5 hosts - those of the last 30 minutes.

  • Jon Rifkin

    Jon Rifkin - 2003-12-28

    Logged In: YES

    My personal prejudice is that a label might be misleading,
    because any single line on the graph can correspond to many
    hosts over the life of the graph. In particular, the first
    busiest host line gives the amount of traffic for the top
    host each 30 minutes, but the identity of that host can
    change every 30 minutes.

    Of coures, if there's a consensus we could label the graph
    with the
    most *recent* top 5 hosts - those of the last 30 minutes.

  • Jon Rifkin

    Jon Rifkin - 2003-12-28
    • status: open --> closed

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