
Internet-L2tp / News: Recent posts

Internet-L2tp made inactive

After many years without updates, I'm marking this project inactive.

The reason is simple: the script provided here was only usable with my ISP, and even it changed from LT2P to "transparent" authentication through DHCP. If you have any interest on maintaining this project, drop me a mail so I can transfer the maintainership.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2005-02-12

Internet-l2tp 0.13.1 released; few changes

Internet-l2tp 0.13.1 is released (finally!). Few changes, the main is a bug fix regarding gateway detection. For more see

A few months ago, my Cable ISP changed its connection system. In other words: no need of L2TP anymore. This way, I'm unable to test this new release. If you encouter problems, contact me.

My idea is to "emulate" a server with l2tpd in one machine, and try to connect by other. But, actually, I can't do this (my Intranet is cross-over, so I have o buy a hub to do this ;)). If you want to help in development of Internet-l2tp, including tests, contact me.... read more

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-11-16

CVS tree is outdated

The CVS tree of Internet-L2tp is outdated and will not be updated anymore. Reason: I messed it up and there's no way to come back ;-). Regular versions will be released, although. If you know how to delete modules in SourceForge's CVS (including those locked by a "#cvs.lock" dir) email me at


Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-11-16

Internet-L2tp English translation in progress

Internet-L2tp is going to be translated to English, in an effort to make the project more "universal". This will be done because English is widely used in Computer Science, and almost every people that works with Linux knows the basic of English. So, the next versions of Internet-L2tp will have English and Brazilian Portuguese translations. Everyone interested in translating Internet-L2tp to its native language, are encouraged to do this :-). Please, let me know about that.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-07-28

Internet-L2tp 0.13 disponvel

Nova verso do Internet-L2tp disponvel, com algumas melhorias, entre elas o processo de conexo e desconexo mais rpidos e uma melhor descrio dos erros. Para mais detalhes, veja o arquivo CHANGES que acompanha o pacote.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-07-10

Internet-L2tp CVS started

Com a verso 20020702, o repositrio CVS do Internet-L2tp inaugurado. Note que as verses CVS (identificadas por "internet-l2tp-<data>") so verses em desenvolvimento, que apresentam cdigos experimentais e de teste, para serem ou no colocados nas prximas verses. Portanto, as verses consideradas mais "estveis" so as descritas como "internet-l2tp-x.x", mas nada impede que se utilize as verses CVS. Para os que trabalham com CVS, esta uma oportunidade de enviar suas sugestes para o aprimoramento do programa.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-07-02

Internet-L2tp 0.12 released

Internet-L2tp has importants changes and bug fixes

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-06-25

Internet-L2tp 0.11 (lately) released

Because of problems with uploads, I released Internet-L2tp 0.11 lately (in last two weeks, the file was released at, but not here). I'm also uploading the previous versions, for learning purporses.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-06-21

Internet-L2tp 0.10 released

Version 0.10 of Internet-l2tp released

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2002-05-17