
Please add support for titles on Playlists

  • Jimmy

    Jimmy - 2007-08-13

    Media player classic only shows the filename, or url if it's a stream, instead of a title designated by the playlist.

    For example the file "balls_of_steel.m3u" below:

    #EXTM3U                            // m3u
    #EXTINF:-1,01. Stoopid speak ftw   // Video length, title
    C:\tehfilez\tehvideo.avi           // teh video

    it would show tehvideo.avi in the playlist instead of "stoopid speak ftw".

    I don't see anywhere which lists the file specifications of mpcpl files so I don't know if it has an option to add a title. It ignores the extra info tag of m3u playlists. pls files I hadn't tried either.

    • Jimmy

      Jimmy - 2007-08-13

      ok it has a label tag. I had to search the source, the documentation doesn't include details about what's allowed in the mpcpl files.


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