
run other command

Tri Le
  • Tri Le

    Tri Le - 2009-12-01

    I try to run a custom command when an icon is clicked but it fails.  The custom command is "".  It gave me the following errors:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/googsystray/", line 143, in activate
    NameError: global name 'subprocess' is not defined
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/googsystray/", line 143, in activate
    NameError: global name 'subprocess' is not defined

    My custom script simply use the currently opened web browser instead of firefox

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-01

    My bad.  I apparently messed that up when I cleaned up all my imports.  Will be fixed in 1.0 when it gets released Real Soon Now.

  • Tri Le

    Tri Le - 2009-12-01

    I've been looking for something like this on linux for awhile.  Thank you.

  • Tri Le

    Tri Le - 2009-12-16

    I like the new features in svn…mail count indication and mark as read/spam/delete option.  I just want to let you know that "run other command" is again broken.  I know it's svn, there will be bug, I don't expect it fix…just letting you know.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-16

    Seriously?  With the same error in the log?  That's the exact same code for running other commands as in 1.0.2, I don't see why it would act any differently.


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