
GeographicLib 1.42 (released 2015-04-28)

Changes between 1.42 (released 2015-04-28) and 1.41 versions:

  • DMS::Decode allows a single addition or subtraction operation, e.g.,
    70W+0:0:15. This affects the GeoCoords class and the utilities
    (which use the DMS class for reading coordinates).

  • Add Math::norm, Math::AngRound, Math::tand, Math::atan2d,
    Math::eatanhe, Math::taupf, Math::tauf, Math::fma and remove
    duplicated (but private) functionality from other classes.

  • On non-Windows systems, the cmake config-style find_package files
    are now installed under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}
    instead of ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share, because the files are
    architecture-specific. This change will let 32-bit and 64-bit
    versions coexist on the same machine (in lib and lib64). You should
    remove the versions in the old "share" location.

  • MATLAB changes:

    • provide native MATLAB implementations for compiled interface
    • the compiled MATLAB interface is now deprecated and so the
      MATLAB_COMPILER option in the cmake build has been removed;
    • reorganize directories, so that
      o matlab/geographiclib contains the native matlab code;
      o matlab/geographiclib-legacy contains wrapper functions to mimic
      the previous compiled functionality;
    • the installed MATLAB code mirrors this layout, but the parent
      installation directory on non-Windows systems is
      ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share (instead of
      ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/libexec), because the files are now
      architecture independent;
    • matlab/geographiclib is now packaged and distributed as MATLAB
      File Exchange package 50605 (this supersedes three earlier MATLAB
    • point fix for geodarea.m to correct bug in area of polygons which
      encircle a pole multiple times (released as version 1.41.1 of
      MATLAB File Exchange package 39108, 2014-04-22).
  • artifactId for Java package changed from GeographicLib to
    GeographicLib-Java and the package is now depolyed to Maven Central
    (thanks to Chris Bennight for help on this).

  • Fix autoconf mismatch of version numbers (which were inconsistent in
    versions 1.40 and 1.41).

  • Mark the computation of the gradient of the geoid height in the
    Geoid class and the GeoidEval utility
    as deprecated.

  • Work around the boost-quadmath bug with setprecision(0).

  • Deprecate use of Visual Studio 2005 "-vc8" project files in the
    windows directory.

Posted by Charles Karney 2015-04-28

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