
ftp-proxy compatibility on FWbuilder 5.x

  • Stefan

    Stefan - 2011-11-06

    Hi Mike/Vadim,

    As OpenBSD just released the new version 5.0 on 1st november, there is a minor change about the syntax for ftp-proxy.
    For OpenBSD 4.9, the FTP control connections should be redirected into the proxy using the pf rdr-to command, after which the proxy connects to the server on behalf of the client.

    For OpenBSD 5.0,FTP control connections should be redirected into the proxy using the pf divert-to command instead of rdr-to.

    My question is: does FWbuilder 5.0 built in rule compiler support the new syntax for OpenBSD 5.0 ftp-proxy redirection?

    THank you in advance.


  • Vadim Kurland

    Vadim Kurland - 2011-11-07

    thanks for letting us know about this, fwbuilder 5.x does not support this new syntax yet. We'll look into it.


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