
FreeTTS With J2Me

  • Umar Lateef

    Umar Lateef - 2010-03-08

    I want to create mobile based speech to text converter.Can FreeTTS help me ?I mean do FreeTTS also work in mobile applications developed in J2ME(S60Sdk)?

  • i30817

    i30817 - 2010-03-24

    J2ME doesn't have threads right? Other than the server - client model i don't see how.

    BTW i am looking for a way to call voice speak without a additional thread (only one thread).
    I have currently a a complex timer scheme to send "word" events of the text being spoken, but i'm having a few lalatency problems even adjusting the times. I am looking to simplify it. I think this could be done continuation passing style by wrapping the audio output stream to send the events, which would remove a major source of latency (synchronization) and simplify my code, even if other problems would be exposed (latency in the output buffer).

  • Dirk Schnelle-Walka

    There is some basic thread support in J2ME. Usually, this is strongly limited to max 2 threads.

    FreeTTS is not designed to work in these enviroments. So you should look for something different. There is also JSAPI 2 for J2ME environments. Unfortunately, not much happens here. I started to work on a basic layer for that but there is still a long way to go.



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