
#42 Show image size when listing images

Unstable (example)
Chad Gray

In response to feature request: "Extend image info - ID: 3014344", here's a quick stab at displaying the image size on the "List All Images" screen. It reads the file sizes on the fly via ls -lh and uses awk to pull out the relevant part. It seems to handle multiple partitions OK but I've not fully tested this - certainly it shows our test W7 image with 2 sizes.

No sorting has been put in place for this column - feel free to add this in if you feel you need it.

Location for the amended file is /wwwdir/fog/management/includes

I'll look at the date field later if I get time, I agree with the feature request that the time/date the image was sritten would be more useful than the time the image placeholder was created on FOG.


  • Chad Gray

    Chad Gray - 2011-04-15

    Oops - should have said it should be good for version 0.29 and 0.30. I don't know about earlier ones.

  • Chad Gray

    Chad Gray - 2011-04-15
  • Chad Gray

    Chad Gray - 2011-04-15

    Updated - now also shows the time the image was written as well as the size

  • mastacontrola

    mastacontrola - 2014-05-26

    This has been implemented in 1.x.x and uses a last uploaded column as well as hosts have a last deployed column. There are two image sizes displayed, one for what the smallest disk can have and one for the actual ON server side.

    Hopefully this is what you were looking for. Closing as complete. Those who want this on older revisions will still be able to find this.

  • mastacontrola

    mastacontrola - 2014-05-26
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: mastacontrola
    • Group: --> Unstable (example)

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