
problem with Czech localization

  • PaiaTPC

    PaiaTPC - 2014-08-15

    on win7 64bit versions of the game in 0.10.5 to 0.10.7 Czech localization does not display correctly, do not put the names of units (eg. marina in Europe in the recruitment or purchase them at the characters names are (I think the "Mistr kovář" - "Master Blacksmith"), the marketing indiánama do not display the names of goods, when the king announces tax increases, there is advertised to be boycotted goods etc.. (after switching to EN those items are all printed by, but then I do not understand the game)

    I know that on previous win7 32bit on my game version 0.10.6 sure everything worked, even in January, when I then after some error in my user profile (damaged file with the user registry) reinstall already on 64bit ...
    I have tried FreeCol 0.10.7 install win7 32bit on VirtualBox and there is a game in English behaves quite as bad ...
    I'm probably in the old windows (the 2010) was a historical remnant of something, even though I updated everything (even Java), and those new to some missing, because of which it is the Czech

    Use Google translator

    na win7 64bit se ve verzích hry 0.10.5 až 0.10.7 nezobrazuje korektně česká lokalizace, nejsou uváděny názvy jednotek (např. v přístavu Evropa při náboru či nákupu postaviček u nich nejsou názvy (myslím ty "Mistr kovář"), při obchodování s indiánama se nezobrazují názvy zboží, když král vyhlašuje zvýšení daní, není tam vypsáno, které zboží bude bojkotováno atd. (po přepnutí do EN jsou ty položky všechny vypisované, ale já pak hře nerozumím)

    vím, že na předchozích 32bit win7 mi na verzi hry 0.10.6 vše určitě fungovalo, ještě v lednu, kdy jsem pak po nějaké chybě v mém uživ. profilu (poškodil se soubor s uživ. registrem) přeinstalovával už na 64bit...
    ještě jsem zkusil freecol 0.10.7 nainstalovat na 32bit win7 ve virtualboxu a tam se hra v češtině chová úplně stejně špatně...
    zřejmě jsem ve starých windows (byly z roku 2010) měl nějaký historický pozůstatek něčeho, i když jsem vše aktualizoval (tedy i javu) a v těch nových to asi chybí, kvůli čemuž nejde ta čeština

  • Michal Breškovec

    Hello guys, I can confirm this issue.
    I am tested it on Kubuntu 14.04 64bit, java version: "1.7.0_55"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.7) (7u55-2.4.7-1ubuntu1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)

    In the contrary to my colleague above I have everything OK until (including) version 0.10.5. In version 0.10.6 and 0.10.7 I have exactly the same problem as my colleague above.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2014-08-16

    I had a quick look at this, and can see there are problems. Around 0.10.5/6 there was some major improvements to the handling of plural forms in the Freecol translation code. Alas, it looks like the Czech translation never fully caught up with this.

    Using the current trunk sources, if I load a saved game, change the language to Czech, and move around a bit, Freecol generates warnings about missing translations, and indeed I see quite a few English words appearing. I think some of these are FreeCol bugs, and some of these are translation bugs. For example: the "Game" menu (leftmost entry) title is translated, but if you click on it the menu entries such as "Open" are not.

    Every piece of text you see when playing FreeCol is found in a file in the install-root/data/strings directory, called, where in this case i18n is "cs_CZ". This file contains lines of the form "key=value", where in this case the key is "", and the value is "Nahrát". I do not know if this is a good Czech translation:-), but I do know that FreeCol should have found it and displayed it. So that is a FreeCol bug, which I will look at shortly.

    However other warnings indicate translation bugs. The FreeCol project does not
    directly handle translations. We write a master strings file (called which is taken by the people at translatewiki who produce the translated files, and commit them back to the FreeCol git repository. So if you find a translation problem, I encourage you to go to translatewiki to fix it. Indeed that is the only way to fix it, because any change I make to a translation in the FreeCol sources will be overwritten by the next upload from translatewiki anyway! They present a simple web form with each key-value pair, so all that is needed is a little time and the necessary language skill.

    Obviously you have already seen some of the problems. The log file (FreeCol.log) may contains warnings that will show up others, for example, I saw a warning:

    WARNING: Mismatched brackets: {{tag:|country=Dánsko|people=Dánové|default=dánský}

    ...which looks easy to fix. Others like:

    WARNING: Unknown key or untagged choice: 'one=Zkušený pionýr|few=Zkušení pionýři|many=Zkušených pionýrů', selector was 'default', trying 'default' instead

    also look straightforward, because the translation is using alternative tags one/few/many which is an older format. The current standard is one/other/default. However this needs to be done by someone who knows the language and can be sure that they are not making things worse.

    • Michal Breškovec

      It looks that you found the point, but it is strange that translatewiki doesn't recognized problem in Czech translation after format change.
      I will try to solve this problem, but I must find all affected strings manually now :-/

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2014-08-16

    The problem with the "Open" menu entry is an annoying limitation in the way menus are created. It only happens within a game when you change the language. If you quit and reload the menu items are correctly translated. This is probably why FreeCol tells you to restart:-). I think this could be fixed, but
    as you can probably guess I am not that familiar with the translation code, so its not going to happen quickly.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2014-08-19 is strange that translatewiki doesn't recognized problem in Czech translation after format change

    Translatewiki does not have any knowledge of any application-specific semantics of the value fields. All it sees is a list of key=value pairs.

    ...I must find all affected strings manually now :-/

    I fear there is no better way at present.

  • Michal Breškovec

    I am fixed (I hope) all failing records. Is it possible generate language file for testing?


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