
#14 Color mess

v2.2.0 Beta

After performing consistency checks a couple of time (maybe even double clicking on the element?) the colors of the elements remain as in the check and never get back to its original state. (checking again doesn't help). This can be seen in the screenshot added, please not there is an arrow in black (original) in the middle of the green diagram and the consistency check button is 'off'.

Could reproduce it only once, not sure what has caused it. But it is really nasty, specially as the Consistency check save as default the diagram before performing the check.

I don't think there is a way to get the original back, is it?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Color mess abstract

  • Remy

    Remy - 2008-10-11

    This is hard to reproduce. I couldn't myself. With few elements or with a lot of elements. Neither helped to reproduce it.

    Double-Clicking has no effect.

    Saving the diagram before consistency check is already a way to have some kind of backup if something fails (and this shouldn't happen at all).

    Sorry that it broke your diagram. There is unfortunately no way to get the orginal back.


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