
V6.2-002 available

V6.2-002 brings a number of modest enhancements to GT.M.

Improving performance:

  • By reducing the number of dirty global buffers to be flushed in anticipation of an impending epoch, epoch tapers aim to ameliorate spikes in response time that can occur at epochs.

  • $ORDER(gvn,-1) - "reverse dollar order" - of global variables is faster.

  • Under conditions of high contention, processes holding locks exit faster, processes acquire database critical sections more efficiently when the mutex queue slots are all used, and lock acquisition is more efficient with substantially reduced impact on database throughput.

  • Code size reduction that also improves performance.

Enhancements include:

  • Intrinsic special variables: $ZUT provides a universal (across systems and across time zones) time stamp, and $ZHOROLOG extends $HOROLOG with additional pieces that provide microsecond resolution and time zone information.

  • TLS for SOCKET devices benefits from enhancements to WRITE /TLS and $ZSOCKET().

  • The environment variable gtm_autorelink_ctlmax provides a control to set the number of unique routine names in relink conrol files.

VIEW "POOLLIMIT" functionality introduced as field test grade functionality in the production release V6.2-001 is considered production grade functionality in V6.2-002.

As always, the release bring numerous smaller enhancements, including to the $ZQGBLMOD() function, better handling of split $PRINCIPAL, more helpful TPRESTART messages, and more. Robustness is improved, especially in the triggers, and security has been tightened by dropping support for dubious edge cases . These changes are described in the Release Notes (

Please do upgrade to V6.2-002, and tell us how it works for you. Thank you for using GT.M.

Posted by K.S. Bhaskar 2015-06-08

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