
DebugAdapter added

  • johnjbarton

    johnjbarton - 2007-04-09

    r80 adds support for programmers to name eval() buffers. See\*checkout*/fireclipse/trunk/FireclipseTests/WebContent/DebugAdapter.html
    The invisible property has not be implemented.


    • Kris Zyp

      Kris Zyp - 2007-04-10

      This sounds very awesome, I am excited to use it.  However, my latest build of it doesn't seem to work at all in firefox. Firebug doesn't show up or anything. Do I need a new script? Where do I get that. The current build I have produces: firebug-1.1b176.1.01r9.xpi.  Is that correct? You can't check the built fireclipse xpi into svn so we can directly download the built xpi file can you?

      • johnjbarton

        johnjbarton - 2007-04-10

        The current build 1.1r80.1.04r15 meaning revision 80 based on Firebug 1.04 revision 15.

        I recently updated the installation instructions and fixed One strategy that works for me is to svn checkout trunk/FireclipseDocumentation then run in that directory.  In that case the .xpi is in trunk/FireclipseDocumentation/FireclipseExtensions/firebug/build/dist.

        Sorry I can only contribute patches or changes to Firebug, I can't redistribute Firebug itself.


        • Kris Zyp

          Kris Zyp - 2007-04-11

          I can't remember, where do you find the installation instructions and script file?

          • johnjbarton

            johnjbarton - 2007-04-11

            I find them by typing "fireclipse" in to search engine, follow the first hit, and take the link near the bottom of the page for installation. It points to:


            Comments and corrections welcome.


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