
Filelocker v2.2 Release

Version 2.2 brings many new features and bug fixes to Filelocker. In addition to subtle UI enhancements and fixes (such as log rotation), we've added three new core functionalities: download statistics, a command line interface, and geolocation.

Filelocker users can now view an HTML5-based chart (or just a table if HTML5 canvas is unsupported) of a file's downloads over a specified time period. We're still ironing out some of the bugs with rendering these charts in IE. In the future, we will include more detailed auditing and charting for admins.

Most notably, we have created a command line version that provides basic functionality for users without a web browser. Users can generate a CLI key that ties their user ID to a specified IP address. This functions as the authentication mechanism for the CLI. The CLI offers both an interactive and scripted mode that allows for uploading files, sharing files with users and groups, downloading files, viewing the list of uploaded files, and viewing the list of groups. Additionally, actions from the CLI are logged on the user's machine (for script debugging purposes). Advanced users wanting to contribute GUI wrappers will find well-documented.

Finally, we have added the ability to geotag Filelocker uploads with an upload location. Filelocker admins can enable this functionality from within the Admin panel (caveat: this requires an external call to Google's Maps API so we disabled geotagging by default). Once enabled, users with modern browsers (mobile browsers other than iPhone coming soon) can choose to include their current location in the file's "Notes" section. In the web interface, users can view a Google Map of geotagged Filelocker files and shares.

Posted by Christopher Miller 2011-02-22

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