
#44 Autosave Options: Be able to save at start *and* end of turn

Steven Aus

So instead of having Autosave at Beginning of Turn preventing Autosave at the End of the Turn, there would be two checkboxes for start and end of day, and one or both could be checked. If both were not checked, then there would be no autosave.

As to their names, if you can have more than eight characters before the .sav , than it could be "autosave_start.sav" and "autosave_end.sav". If they have to be eight characters or less, than it could be "autostrt.sav" and "autoend.sav".

Occasionally, you might win a map from gold accumulation but only have a save on the turn you win the map, but you were having fun thumping the enemy and accumulating many thousands of skeletons from each huge battle you win with no losses. In that case you could load the turn end save and spend some gold.

Could you put Options in to have a beginning of turn autosave, an end of turn autosave, and if both are not checked, then no autosave? In other cases too, if one of the autosaves becomes corrupt you would have one more chance to get a working save if you haven't made a manual save for a while.

Best regards,


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