
Finite Element LibrarY eXperiment / News: Recent posts

Transverse Shear Stresses

Transverse shear stresses for the finite shell elements are implemented. This post process method is based on first order shear deformation theory.


Posted by Rene Roos 2006-09-20

Linear Shell Element

The element library is extended by a 3 and 4 node shell element (compare with ANSYS element type Shell181). A reduced integration scheme is used to avoid shear locking.

Posted by Rene Roos 2006-08-21

Solid Element

The post process of the solid element are advanced by some new functions. For more details have a look on our homepage.

Posted by Rene Roos 2006-07-14

FELyX compiles with gcc 3.4.x / 4.x

FELyX has been updated to work smoothly with GCC 3.4.X and GCC 4.X compiler series.
This includes the inclusion of MTL version 2.1.2-22 as well as a lot of minor code fixes.
Right now the updated version is available via CVS checkout, a new release will follow later on.

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2005-09-11

New Release

Felyx 0.4
- New fast linear solver (pardiso)
- Better laminate (orthotropic material) calculation
- Modified elements
- General check

Posted by Rene Roos 2005-06-14

New Felyx Homepage

A new homepage is online with
- general information
- tutorial
- links
- outlook

Posted by Rene Roos 2005-06-14

Release 0.31 !!

- 3d linear tetrahedral LCM elements have been added.
- Some bugs have been fixed.

Posted by Boris Meier 2003-12-10

Release 0.30 !!

- Mayor improvements on shell elements are done
- Modal (Natural Frequency) analysis is implemented
- Stress evaluation is implemented
- Simulation of the LCM process is implemented

Posted by Boris Meier 2003-09-04

Release 0.21 !!

FELyX-0.21 offers many new features:

*** For the Skyline solver one can choose (see ./configure -h) if it should use the ATLAS libraries for its most inner loops, resulting in a solver speed-up of about 30%! That way, runtimes of FELyX are competitive to the direct solvers of ANSYS for moderatly sized models.

*** FELyX can be configured to use double or float types for data values (see ./configure -h), resulting in a speed-up of about 30% for the float option.... read more

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2002-10-06

Bugfix Release 0.20.1

Some minor bugs were fixed:

*** Cumbersome time functions got replaced with Boost's timer library to avoid compile problems with automake <1.5

*** FEbaseTest is using double's again instead of float values, increasing precision and runtime....

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2002-05-27

Release 0.20 !!

Finally, release 0.20 is available. It contains many new features and enhancements:

*** Node reordering algortihms are fully implemented now:
- (Reversed) cuthill-mckee algorithm for bandwidth minimization
- Sloan algorithm for profile / envelope minimization

*** Introduction of the Matrix Template Library (MTL) to efficiently store the global stiffness matrix in envelope or sparse storage schemes.... read more

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2002-05-22

Release 0.14 is out...!

Release 0.14 ist the new development release.
Besides many bugixes, here are the major changes:

* A command line parsing system got included (library getpot).

* The PropertySet classes got redesigned, relying now on maps to handle all the different properties.

* Material classes got redesigned.

* Several bugfixes in the bandwidth minimization algorithms improve the performance of the cuthill mckee algorithm.... read more

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2002-03-27

Release 0.13 is out

Release 0.13 contains various bugfixes, the documentation system (doxygen) got some improvements, and the earlier replaced boost library version 1.25.1 got finally removed.

--> Release 0.20 is planned for the next month, including major improvements in bandwidth optimization, resulting in faster solution times...

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2002-02-07

Release 0.12 is out

Release 0.12 introduces the following new features and bugfixes:
* Improvement of Gauss Band Solvers,
decreasing needed solution times
* Implementation of 3D-Structural Beam and various
bugfixes on different elements
* Including new version 1.26.0 of boost in order to
get rid of compilation errors on Sun
Solaris 2.8 and gcc 2.95.3

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2002-01-09

CVS repository is up to date

After some initial problems to set up the CVS repository on sourceforge correctly, the problems are now resolved, the repository now represents the latest changes and releases of FELyX.

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2001-12-28

Release 0.11 is out

Developer Release 0.11 includes
- several new elements,
- an export functionality to ANSYS,
- a new structure for the different elements

Posted by Oliver Koenig 2001-12-21