
Erlide 0.4.3

See below for changelog.

There is also a "Feedback" option on the project's homepage, where everybody can suggest features or report bugs and vote for those they feel are most important.

Better handling of open external (and first try to get external files in completion)
added isSourcePathParent
commented out call to inexistent erlang function
fixed tree checkmarks
fixed memory leak
Setting beam files as derived even when not compiling them #207
fixed logging messages
cleaned up static instance creation for BackendManager and RuntimeInfoManager
fixed resource leak on mailboxes (leading to slowness and timeouts)
Fixed bug with imported projects
Added accept for visitor
created an alternative builder
improved buider responsiveness (better progress and also responds to cancel)
removed annoying printout
modified checking for hrl files in a delta
included Base64 that is otherwise eclipse-internal
Fixed the annoying "feature" that the navigator expands modules in Link-mode
Caches working again
moved BackendManager.getDefault and RuntimeInfoManager.getDefault to ErlangCore
added project type property (normal, reference, otp) see #204
fixed NPE
fixed completion of local modules
Used ErlidePrefConverter.convertToList when I should have used PreferencesUtils.unpackList. One of them should be removed!
fixed reserved words
Ticket #183
added larger timeout for reparse operation
hasChildren returns always true for files (instead of opening them -- slow!)
creating task markers only when building the file
Fixed autocompletion #112
Fixed outline and scanner sync. #125
syntax highlight now shows reserved words
Fixed issues with Completion proposals

Posted by Vlad Dumitrescu 2008-12-27

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