
further development of xmlmerge?

  •  Malte Brunnlieb

    Malte Brunnlieb - 2013-07-16

    Hi all,

    I am really interested in further development or at least maintenance of XML-Merge. I think it is one of the best open source merging tool for XML as it provides the possibility to adapt the merging logic for any xml dialect.
    What is the current state of the project? Is it possible to extract XML-Merge out of EL4J such that it might be published on one of the common open maven repositories?

    Thanks for XML-Merge!
    Best Regards,


    Last edit: Malte Brunnlieb 2013-07-16
  • Philipp H. Oser

    Philipp H. Oser - 2013-07-18

    Thank, you, Malte.

    The current state is described in the last news entry under .

    I am not a licensing expert, but as far as I understand LGPL, you could fork the project. The dependencies of the xml merge tool to the el4j core are (as far as I remember) not so strong.



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