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    Welcome to Open Discussion

    • Egor Sh

      Egor Sh - 2009-04-06

      Edyuk seems like a port of Monkey Studio, isn't it? :)

      • fullmetalcoder

        fullmetalcoder - 2009-04-08

        I'm afraid not. Here are some facts that might enlighten you :
        * porting a project is hard, especially when it is cross-platform because there is nothing to port... that's one of the features offered by the Qt toolkit, used by both Edyuk and Monkey Studio, which renders "porting" irrelevant as the same source code compiles into native binaries on all supported platforms
        * a port of a project is usually started quite some time after the initial project was born, it is obviously not the case here because Edyuk and Monkey Studio started (almost) at the same time (though they both had different names back then : DevQt and Qt4DS respectively)
        * a port is often supposed to, well, port things which means keep them looking and behaving similarly but just make them work on a nother platform. Simply launching Edyuk and Monkey Studio side by side will show you that neither could be a port of the other : the UI are clearly distinct and the set of features, while close (as one would expect from two IDEs with similar "targets") is different.
        * if that does not convince you a quick look at the source should get rid of all remaining doubts : the source layout is different, the plugin systems have nothing in common, the editing frameworks are different (QCodeEdit vs QScintilla), ... the only code that *might* be shared would be designer integration and, quite ironically in this context, the code "transfer" happened the other way around ;)


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