
DRBL-winroll / News: Recent posts

drbl-winroll v1.2.2-137 released

Enhance from 1.2.0-x
** New framework for winroll service running
** New system environment detection and keyword map framework to support language independence for installation. More easy to patch different locale language into system
** Provide auto network configuration function
** Update Cygwin, wsname version ,support Windows Vista, 7, 2008

!! Call for translation !!
Please see the follow document if you can help to translate.

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2010-08-03

drbl-winroll v200707.1 released

1. Please install the package with Administrator(s) privilege and make sure Internet connection is work fine.
2. Please remove cygwin if you had installed it before
3. The installation also works on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 serial operation system.

Some bugs fix or enhancements than last version:
1. Fix sshd service start-up failed problem if it done after autonewsid service... read more

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2007-07-25

drbl-winroll v200703.5 released

1. Install the package with Administrator(s) privelege and make sure Internet connection works fine.
2. Remove cygwin if you is installed in the system
3. The installation is tested OK in Windows XP and Windows 2000 serial.

1. Support language for Dutch and France in installation
2. Enhance installation procedure to avoid failing in a customized environment
3. Fix uninstall function to avoid removing uncompleted
4. Provide other toolkit : EZ-commander
Referenc :
5. Other bugs fixed... read more

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2007-03-16

drbl-winroll v200701.3 released

version 200701.3 stable:
Some new features and some bugs fixed:
1.Provide Windows WORKGROUP auto-update function,the follow fprmat can be used:
- Fixed string
- By ip/netmask
- By DNS suffix
2. Add "drbl-winroll Controller" in start menu, provide Re-configure/Start/Stop function with related service after installed.
3. Add "Uninstall drbl-winroll" in start menu, use bash script replace dos batch to provide un-install function.
4. Remove "sshd" user account when sshd service removed.
5. This released is work fine with MS-Windows 2k, XP, 2003 serial. But not or MS Vista.
6. Other bugs fixed.

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2007-01-26

drbl-winroll v200612.0 released

version 200612.0 stable:
Some new features and some bugs fixed:

1. Fix the hand on problem led to system can't reboot automatically during exeuting autonewsid service due to the new version newsid tool kit.
2. Add the post-installation process for autonewsid service / No install autonewsid service as default.
3. Add backup/import option for sshy key on Installtion/Uninstallation.
4. Add setup log
5. Use URL redirection for what used non-GPL tool kit
6. Fix workflow in winRoll-setup.bat script.
7. Fix language file
8. Other bug fixs

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2006-12-04

drbl-winRoll v200611 released

drbl-winroll v200611 released !!
New feature:
1. Auto rename Windows "WorkGroup" name via client IP/netmask.
2. Auto renew Windows SID
3. Use file lock mechanism to avoid to service race
4. bug fix

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2006-11-08


win-recover 功用為還原使用者環境之工具,depend on drbl-winRoll.

Depends : drbl-winRoll
Uncompress package, then run "setup_win-rrcover.bat" to install file and

How to use:
1. 先在 windows 新增一個 user ,並設置好此 user 相關的環境
2. 以具有管理者權限執行 setup_win-rrcover.bat ,會進行 template storage
and Service installation

Service 為每次開機時執行,所以每次重新開機,便會以當初儲存的 template 還
原到指定的 user profile
path 中。

還原包含:書籤、程式目錄、桌面配置與所有 cache 檔案... read more

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2006-06-21


version 20060418:
1. Support unknow language version OS to install
2. Optional for installation autohostname and sshd service
3. Add hostname prefix function, pc-xxx-xxx
4. Use last 6 characters of IP or MAC to avoid over 15 characters in NetBIOS name
5. Use defaulr hostname format ($MAC) to avoid no available hostname format to used by wsname
6. Re-package cygwin, include "cron", "rsync", and "autossh tool"
7. Add "drbl-winRoll Config" and "drbl-winRoll Document" in Windows Startmenu
8. Use wsname consistent parameter for hostnaem format, and re-fine the autohostname program
9. Upgrade wsname version to 2.75g
10. Upgrade cygwin DLL to
11. Add "Use the Sysprep tool to automate successful deployment of Windows XP" in Faq document.... read more

Posted by Ceasar Sun 2006-06-21