
Adding login method

  • Francois Richard

    Hi, I was trying to add a
    login(string username, string password)
    method to the code, and i was guessing that by simply adding 2 send commands, it would do the trick.  But it seems like the system sends the second command to soon for the password request. Any suggestions !?

    Thank you !

    • watty

      watty - 2005-12-07

      The TelnetProtocolHandler.Transpose has a problem
      It check for LF or CR and then adds CRLF. But if the "terminal" sends CRLF both already then you can't logon etc as each <return> key press is done twice.

      I commented out both:

      /*                case 10:    // \n
                              if (receivedDX[TELOPT_BINARY + 128] != DO)
                                  while (nbuf.Length - nbufptr < crlf.Length)
                                      xbuf = new byte[nbuf.Length * 2];
                                      Array.Copy(nbuf, 0, xbuf, 0, nbufptr);
                                      nbuf = xbuf;
                                  for (int j = 0; j < crlf.Length; j++)
                                      nbuf[nbufptr++] = crlf[j];
                                  // copy verbatim in binary mode.
                                  nbuf[nbufptr++] = buf[i];
                              // carriage return is CR NUL
                          case 13:    // \r
                              if (receivedDX[TELOPT_BINARY + 128] != DO)
                                  while (nbuf.Length - nbufptr < cr.Length)
                                      xbuf = new byte[nbuf.Length * 2];
                                      Array.Copy(nbuf, 0, xbuf, 0, nbufptr);
                                      nbuf = xbuf;
                                  for (int j = 0; j < cr.Length; j++)
                                      nbuf[nbufptr++] = cr[j];
                                  // copy verbatim in binary mode.
                                  nbuf[nbufptr++] = buf[i];
                              break; */


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