
#18 CR added before every CRLF when copying in clipboard

v1.0 (example)

I'm using Diffuse 0.4.6 on Windows XP. When copying some text to the clipboard it is always copied with one additional carriage return before each CR-LF sequence, which determines at the moment of the paste one unwanted blank line before each line. I can't believe I'm the only one reporting it, I don't think it is something specific of my platform.

It happens both when copying from existing open files and when writing directly new text in a new "file merge".

You can see the effect by pasting anywhere and the fact that a single CR is added by pasting to an hex editor or with a clipboard contents viewer.


  • Derrick Moser

    Derrick Moser - 2013-05-16

    It looks like PyGTK on Windows mangles the clipboard data. I'll try to update Diffuse to work around the problem.

  • GabF

    GabF - 2013-05-16

    dtmoser, have you seen this?
    There seems to be a patch, might it be applied to your distribution?

  • Derrick Moser

    Derrick Moser - 2013-05-30

    Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, I have been relying on pre-built PyGTK packages for Windows as I have few Windows build tools. Getting access to a Windows C++ compiler will likely be a challenge (I doubt g++ under Cygwin will be sufficient).

  • khagaroth

    khagaroth - 2013-06-26

    I was actually able to use mingw32 cross-compiler in Fedora to build a patched GTK and confirm the patch in the linked gnome bugzilla is working, so it was merged upstream. And that even though I'm not a programmer and have only very basic programming knowledge. So cross-compiling is probably the best way to go for you (and once the update with the bugfix goes out, you don't have to actually build anything, the cross-compiler environment already contains all the libraries), though I had to copy the fedora mingw32 tree to Windows and do the py2exe part there, because I couldn't coerce the Windows Python to behave under Wine. Nice bonus is, that I now have recent GTK version, so my UI is no longer broken on Windows 7 (bug #12).

  • khagaroth

    khagaroth - 2013-07-14

    Installer of a fixed version using Python 2.7.5 and GTK 2.24.20.

  • Derrick Moser

    Derrick Moser - 2013-07-15

    I have also succeeded in using mingw32 under Fedora to cross-compile a patched version of GTK. Thanks for suggesting that! There was a problem with a missing intl.dll file which I fixed by copying libintl-8.dll. There was another problem loading the "diffuse.ico" file. I encountered a similar problem in the past when attempting to upgrade to a newer version of GTK. I think I can work around this by using a PNG file instead. The next release of Diffuse will use the patched GTK library.

  • khagaroth

    khagaroth - 2013-11-02

    There is now an official GTK3 release for Windows. So switching to GTK3/PyGObject is another possibility. Though it would require some porting work.

  • Derrick Moser

    Derrick Moser - 2014-07-18
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> v1.0 (example)
  • Derrick Moser

    Derrick Moser - 2014-07-18

    Diffuse 0.4.8 uses an updated version of the GTK on Microsoft Windows where this is fixed.


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