
#6 Vim: File incomplete after 'Malformed extended viki name'

Module (7)

If a viki file contains:
I get an error when opening the file.
The file is marked as incomplete (ls displays 'x')


Error detected while processing function viki#MarkInexistentInitial..viki#MarkInexistentInElement..<SNR>63_MarkInexisten
line 5:
E605: Exception not caught: Viki: Malformed extended viki name (no destination): ['', '', '', '', 'u', '']
Error detected while processing /home/mmarko/.vim/syntax/viki.vim:
line 329:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>4_SynSet:
line 22:
E170: Missing :endfor

E13: File exists (add ! to override)

The 'Malformed' error also happens every time I switch to the buffer.


  • Tom Link

    Tom Link - 2010-02-28


    Which version do you use? I cannot reproduce the problem. It might be worth mentioning though that that url actually isn't a valid viki name because viki assumes that anchors start with a lower case character.

    Marking this url as extended viki name should work though:

    I'll relac this rule for urls.

    Anyway, this doesn't explain the above error. Did you change any settings? I tried

    gvim -u mini_vimrc test.txt

    where mini_vimrc is

    set nocp
    filetype plugin indent on
    syntax on

    and test.txt the above text snippet.

  • Marko Mahnič

    Marko Mahnič - 2010-02-28

    The version of viki is the latest from
    The error happens with :set ignorecase

    VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Sep 21 2009 11:22:49)
    Included patches: 1-245

  • Tom Link

    Tom Link - 2010-02-28

    Okay, I see. I relaxed the rx for URLs. This solves this particular problem but this isn't the reason for that error. I'll look into it.

  • Tom Link

    Tom Link - 2012-02-23
    • status: open --> closed

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