
Locating video on disk that was found by Defraser

  • TeachDJ

    TeachDJ - 2014-02-19

    First off, let me say this program is great. It finds videos that the big programs in forensics seem to miss. I use it all the time.

    My question, it appears possible to use the given data (location and length data) in the presented video segment found in Defraser to find and carve manually the same fragment myself using something like Encase correct?

    I carved unallocated from a video camcorder. Using encase, I copied out the unallocated which resulted in three separate files. I then added those files to a defraser project. It found video. Do I now go back to Encase > unallocated clusers > and then disk view then to go a certain cluster offset to carve it out manually? Id like to be able to demonstrate in court if asked how this all works.



    Last edit: TeachDJ 2014-02-19
  • TeachDJ

    TeachDJ - 2014-02-19

    Also, is there a reporting function where I can exported data on an important keyframe?


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