
Meaning of cross_validate_trainer output

  • Costin

    Costin - 2015-11-18

    I've been evaluating an EKM trainer on a set of data and my best result was (the output from cross_validate_trainer):
    gamma: 0.00125, C: 78125 cross validation accuracy: 0.93135 0.193669

    Trying to do the 3-fold cross-validation myself I've come up with these values:
    0: 0.707792
    1: 0.727715
    2: 0.690438

    These represent the the number of correct guesses divided by the number of samples.
    What does the second number in the return value of cross_validate_trainer represent?

  • Costin

    Costin - 2015-11-18

    Found the answer myself in svm_ex.cpp:
    // The first element of the vector is the fraction of +1 training examples
    // correctly classified and the second number is the fraction of -1 training
    // examples correctly classified.

    This seems like a good addition to the documentation.


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