
Tree [f38277] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 data 2011-08-09 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [f9a8e6] adding demo files, fixing csv load
 docs 2011-12-03 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [7e1b87] Final GUI documentation draft for all the exist...
 lib 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge
 license 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge
 src 2011-12-04 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [f38277] Update READMEforGUI file for indicating the loc...
 tests 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge
 .classpath 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge
 .hgignore 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge
 .project 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge
 Blog-comment-DG.odt 2011-11-13 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [60f446] UCOSP experience.
 DG_Project_Template_0.2.odt 2011-10-11 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [4721ab] adding comments
 DG_Project_Template_0.3.odt 2011-10-18 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [90f671] Proposal verstion 0.3
 DG_Project_Template_0.4.odt 2011-10-20 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [55fd9e] Add proposal version 0.4.
 DG_Project_Template_0.5.odt 2011-10-26 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [ecb1a5] Update proposal version0.5 and add command line...
 DG_Project_Template_0.6.odt 2011-11-05 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [c4e722] Proposal version 0.6.--re-scoping.
 DG_Project_Template_require_proofread.odt 2011-10-08 Xueyuan Peng<> Xueyuan Peng<> [138fad] Proofread request for proposal
 DG_Project_Templatea.odt 2011-11-09 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [391137] modified version 0.6 of proposal
 DG_Project_proofread_catherine.odt 2011-10-08 Catherine Zhu Catherine Zhu [0167f1] I added comments 2011-10-24 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [feeae1] with Margin.
 GUI.lyx 2011-11-26 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [a47168] GUI documentations modified.
 GUI.pdf 2011-11-26 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [a47168] GUI documentations modified. 2011-11-19 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [18e577] GUI documentations. 2011-10-23 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [05cea8] Modified
 MANIFEST.MF 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge 2011-10-21 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [a39613] Update the
 README 2011-07-28 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [d87a7e] initial commit on sourceforge 2011-11-06 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [2a9fac] 2nd modified XMLParser.java2nd modified XMLPars...
 build.xml 2011-08-08 Nikita Pchelin Nikita Pchelin [50c8b9] changing aroma schema, adding derivers target t...
 movie_2.xml 2011-09-27 xueyuan0106<> xueyuan0106<> [2869dc] added movie_2.xml
 screen01.png 2011-11-22 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [29ecd4] Updated GUI documentations.
 screen02.png 2011-11-22 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [29ecd4] Updated GUI documentations.
 screen03.png 2011-11-22 XueyuanPeng<> XueyuanPeng<> [29ecd4] Updated GUI documentations.

Read Me


In order to make sure DG is able to talk to your DB2 database, you must have a 
copy of db2jcc.jar or db2jcc4.jar located in the `lib` directory of the

The JCC driver can commonly be found from within the /sqllib/java/ of an IBM DB2
installation or you can download it from IBM DB2 jcc driver download site
located at