
DamePlus - A checkers game / News: Recent posts

1.0.0-beta1 released

Today DamePlus Version 1.0.0-beta1 was released.

If you want you can help finding bugs by downloading the release and using the projects bug tracker for reporting.


DamePlus is an OpenGL based checkers game including serveral game modes like checkers, checkers international, suicide checkers as well as some puzzles like eight queens.

Also some AI is implemented so you can easly play Human-vs-Computer.

Posted by thescorp 2007-06-11

Version 0.9.9-alpha released

Today the alpha version of DamePlus was released. This version is for testing purpose.

If you want you can help finding bugs by downloading the release and using the projects bug tracker for reporting.

The next release is scheduled for end of may.


DamePlus is an OpenGL based checkers game including serveral game modes like checkers, checkers international, suicide checkers as well as some puzzles like eight queens.... read more

Posted by thescorp 2007-05-16