
#1 Keep intraday file changes also

David Lopez

Having daily file history is great, but there are many
cases where the user just erases or damages a file
that's been working on for several hours, and
retrieving yesterday's version is still not enough.
DBS could keep track of every single change in every
file, all the day long, then consolidate that changes
into one daily version (tomorrow, I will only see the
last file version, not all the ones along the day).
Consolidation is important to avoid an unmaneagable
volume of versions for every file (just for an
instance, a document with autosave feature every 10
minutes will have 6 versions per hour...)
We have two methods to keep track of file changes:
using VFS in Samba, and/or using kernel directory
notifications, being the last the preferred as
generates lower overheat and is less intrusive in file
server operation.


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