
Console / News: Recent posts

Console 2.00 Beta, build 146

- a better Win7 lockup fix (again, thanks to akirill for the patch :-)

- removed msv*90.dll dependencies

- better error messages on shell startup

- dump buffer now dumps to %TEMP%\console.dump

- configuration load fix

- better handling of windows settings' change

- added 64-bit build

- most fixes in this build are by Kirill :-)

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2010-04-20

Console 2.00 Beta, build 145

- [BR#2722494] alpha transparency is now set properly for a pinned to-desktop Console window

- [BR#2547017] Tab tooltips now show complete title (thanks to Phillip Foose for the patch)

- a small speed optimization for relative backgrounds

- fixed Win7 lockup (thanks to akirill for the patch)

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2009-12-08

Console 2.00 Beta, build 144

- tray icon settings were not always observed, fixed

- optimized text repaint for relative backgrounds

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2009-03-23

Console 2.00 Beta, build 143

- [BR#2569915] Console buffer rows can now be set to max 9999 using arrows in the settings dialog

- invalid console cursor coordinates calculation lead to crash when leaving Console window while selecting text

- [BR#2555908] If there was only one tab defined on Console startup, that tab could be deleted. This would crash Console

- another attempt at fixing ClearType problems

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2009-03-16

Console 2.00 Beta, build 142

- [BR#2214144] Console will add a backslash to startup dirs that don't end with a backslash. This will fix problems with startup dir defined as 'C:'. Updated documentation for -d parameter

- selection start will now pause window scrolling (e.g. a long dir command). ESC will unpause it (but it will not clear the selection) Clearing the selection (copy or not) will re-enable scrolling

- added 'stop scrolling' command (and a hotkey) (ESC re-enables)... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2009-01-19

Console 2.00 Beta, build 141

- Console will now inherit environment block on startup (it used to get a fresh
environment block in b140); it will still track changes in the environment, like
it was implemented in b140

- Console is now restored if minimized when activated using a global hotkey

- [BR#1969628] fixed a painting problem with applications that reduce buffer size

- [BR#2114134] attempt at fixing the crash caused by a new process exiting before new Console tab is initialized

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2008-11-02

Console 2.00 Beta, build 140

- [BR#1919569] attempt at fixing problems with invisible GUI apps started from Console
(this solution does cause console window's taskbar button to flash briefly)

- upgraded to Visual Studio 2008

- updated several function calls that got 'depreciated' warnings when built with VS 2008

- pasting is now done using Windows' console 'paste' command

- Console now tracks environment variables' changes (new tabs are opened with the latest
set of environment variables)... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2008-08-21

Console 2.00 Beta, build 139

- [FR#1529565] scrollbars can be hidden now

- [BR#1876652] redone painting a bit, memory usage lower

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2008-03-26

Console 2.00 Beta, build 138

- [internal] (yet another) attempt at fixing text repainting - moved all GDI calls to the main thread

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2008-01-11

Console 2.00 Beta, build 137

- [internal] (another) attempt at fix text repainting problems (many thans to akirill for help)

- [BR#1848984] resizing Console will not flash inactive tabs

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-12-16

Console 2.00 Beta, build 136

- [internal] attempt at fix text repainting problems reported by several users

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-12-09

Console 2.00 Beta, build 135

- [internal] all bitmaps are now DIBs. Mixing DDBs and DIBs was causing problems with multiple monitors and relative backgrounds

- [internal] character buffer is initialized with spaces

- [internal] fixed a problem with double-width characters (introduced when fixing ClearType artifacts)

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-11-26

Console 2.00 Beta, build 134

- [BR#1808717] attempt at fixing the disappearing text bug; this may fix some other bugs

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-11-22

Donations accepted

Console project is now accepting your donations!

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-11-20

Console 2.00 Beta, build 133

- [BR#1780513] fixed a problem with long lines being wrapped when they shouldn't

- [BR#1524127] fixed a problem (workaround) with ALT+SPACE not showing the system menu (thanks to akirill for the patch)

- [FR#1725807] added some inactive tab flashing configuration options

- [BR#1814653] fixed a screen lock-up on mouse click during fast screen changes

- mouse messages are discarded when Console window is activated using the mouse - this will prevent things like starting a selection when activating a Console window... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-10-29

Console 2.00 Beta, build 132

- fixed a problem with ClearType artifacts

- [internal] attempt to fix new tab's initial painting problems

- fixed 'disappear when dragged' bug for multiple monitors

- font dialog now shows only fixed-pitch fonts (thanks to Anduin Withers for the patch)

- [internal] fixed a critical lock deadlock causing problems on Vista

- [FR#1718013] middle click on an empty place on a tab bar will open a new default tab... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-09-04

Console 2.00 Beta, build 131

- [internal] fixed a problem with runas and local settings

- added 'clear selection on copy' option

- added customizable newline character for mulitline copy

- added font smoothing settings

- [internal] Console now checks that saved window position is inside desktop

- 'Dump screen buffer' command now dumps visible text to C:\console.dump

- added -w command line option for setting main window title; it overrides all other main window title settings (e.g. 'use tab titles' setting)... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-05-09

Console 2.00 Beta, build 130

- fixed a disappearing selection while scrolling bug

- fixed a scrolling upwards while selecting text bug

- Console handles wallpaper changes now

- fixed a small background color problem

- added support for environment variables in config file name, shell command
line, startup directory, icons and background images

- [internal] wallpaper changes, non-relative background image resizing and tab
switching should be thread safe now... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2007-03-16

Console 2.00 Beta, build 129

Build 129

- fixed small bugs with mouse event forwarding (mouse move, some mouse clicks)

- fixed a bug with scrolling hotkeys

- (finally) window resizing works reliably

- fixed a newline problem (I hope :-)

- settings can be saved to user's APPDATA directory

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-12-25

Console 2.00 Beta, build 128

Build 128

- added 'Clear' button to hotkeys dialog

- added 'Use Scroll Lock for scrolling' option to hotkeys dialog; if on, arrow
keys and page up/down keys are used for scrolling when Scroll Lock is on

- improved cursor rendering a bit

- improved selection handling:
- selection now selects entire buffer row, not just the visible part
- scrolling with active selection works as expected
- you can now scroll Console window while selecting text... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-12-18

Console 2.00 Beta, build 127

Build 127

- added "Exit Console" command

- added .bat and .cmd file types to "open shell" dialog

- fixed a small background tinting problem

- fixed a problem with non-black solid backgrounds

- fixed a problem with client area mouse-dragging with cursor near left or top edge

- File->Tabs menu is updated properly after closing the settings dialog

- [internal] implemented a fallback mechanism for allocating bitmaps... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-10-16

Console 2.00 Beta, build 126

A few bugfixes, a few new features

- implemented window size saving

- implemented window position saving

- [internal] custom handling for WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYUP messages (they
are not translated); this should pass all keystrokes to console (WM_KEYDOWN
and WM_KEYUP are already handled this way)

- added ClearType support; it works for 32bit color settings only

- fixed a little bug with tray icon... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-09-13

Console 2.00 Beta, build 125

New build:

- fixed rows/columns display updating in the statusbar

- added support for multiple startup tabs, dirs and commands (-t, -d and
-ts cmd-line options)

- added command line option for startup command (-r)

- added help support

- added Help command

- fixed 'dead' characters input

- [internal] improved hotkey handling

- [internal] implemented directory existance check on new tab startup

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-08-28

Console 2.00 Beta, build 124

- [internal] '100% hang bug' fix is back. Test in Build 123 didn't work :-)

- XTerm cursor now inverts characters underneath it

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-07-21

Console 2.00 Beta, build 123

- SCROLL LOCK can now be used for scrolling: when on, you can scroll Console
window using PageUp/Down and arrow keys (thanks to jachymko for submitting
the patch)

- drag 'n' dropped filenames are always enclosed in quotes

- middle click closes tab

- added tooltips to toolbar buttons

- About box shows Console version info (major, minor and build numbers)

- rows and columns info is shown in the statusbar... read more

Posted by Marko Bozikovic 2006-07-20