
Windows: Env variables not updated.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-02-23

    After updating system environment variables, restarting a Windows shell or Console itself won't update the loaded environment variables until restarting Windows. Most other Windows software does.

    Can anyone fix this?

  • Kirill

    Kirill - 2012-02-24

    How do you update the variables? What do you mean exactly by "restarting a Windows shell"? What do you mean by "loaded environment variables"? And finally, could you please provide a scenario that will show that Console does not update them?

  • Ronald

    Ronald - 2012-02-24

    Could it be that you forgot to "apply" your changes? When I change the environment variables (using the control panel) and then start a new console process (or open a new tab in an existing one), the changes in the environments can be seen.


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